menopausal symptom中文什么意思

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  1. For severe menopausal symptoms , the doctor will give hormone replacement therapy when necessary
  2. Hormone therapy was included in the halt study because it is a well - known and proen treatment to reduce menopausal symptoms
  3. And the use of hormones does need to be restricted to the relief of menopausal symptoms , not as a means of staing off heart disease , she added
  4. Antioxidants nutrients which can help to prolong life there are also nutritional factors in it that can retard aging process and improve complexion , alleviate menopausal symptoms that support healthy kidneys and improve quality of blood
  5. “ the current recommendations from many organizations that hormone therapy be limited to the treatment of moderate - to - seere menopausal symptoms , with the lowest effectie dose used for the shortest duration necessary , remain appropriate , ” the authors conclude
    作者得出结论: “许多组织的推荐是激素疗法应局限于治疗中度到重度更年期症状,用法为在最短时间内服用最小有效剂量,这些推荐还是很适当的。 ”


  1. menopausal index 什么意思
  2. menopausal menorrhagia 什么意思
  3. menopausal problem 什么意思
  4. menopausal state 什么意思
  5. menopausal states 什么意思
  6. menopausal symptoms 什么意思
  7. menopausal syndrome 什么意思
  8. menopausal troubles 什么意思
  9. menopausal urethral atrophy 什么意思
  10. menopause 什么意思


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